Monday, April 23, 2012

Bitchin' Banana Cake

My friend Hayley and I made the most amazing banana cake a few days ago. I can't believe it actually worked because we were missing some ingredients, so we had to improvise haha.
We mixed together: 
2 overipe bananas 
170g sugar 
170g butter
170g flour (was supposed to be self raising but we didn't have any)
We discovered that baking powder can be added to plain flour to the same effect - problem solved! 
But we didn't have any baking powder.
So we added about quarter of a teaspoon baking soda and half a teaspoon cream of tartar.
These were combined and the mixture was poured into a greased loaf tin. We baked this for about 40 minutes or so at 160 degrees celsius. Sorry for the dodgy quality photos: 

...and then we covered it with Cadbury Philadelphia 
It was great! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Here Comes The Sun

With all the lovely sun we have been out in the shed more the past couple of weeks, yipeee!  Here are some new photos of 2 Screwz: 

2 Screwz Tramp Shack is twinned with our friend Evola's 1 Nail Studio, which I have just noticed has an octopus painted on one the walls! I'm sure he would get on well with our giant squid.
New jewels will be ready on the site and in our Etsy shop very soon...for a sneak peek check out our Flickr photostream 
As always, don't forget to enter our monthly giveaway by March 29th! 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Northern Lights

Sarah is in Snowdonia this week so no jewels to report. As we're working on a few pieces at the moment we have reduced some things to make way for new jewellery!  

I would love love love to see the Aurora Borealis. It is the most beautiful thing in the world! This video from the BBC news website is the best representation of it that I've seen.
As always, don't forget to enter the monthly giveaway by February 29th! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

La Lune

We have been busy this week working on a bunch of new jewels you can look forward to including a couple super duper skronk beast necklaces, yippeeee :D
One of my favourite films ever, La Voyage Dans la Lune, has been restored in full technicolour 110 years after its first release in 1902, yay! A French electro group,  Air, have done the soundtrack. It looks beautiful!  Here are some clips ~

And don't forget about our monthly giveaway ~ the winner will be chosen on the 29th of this month

Monday, January 30, 2012

I Put a Spell On You

Well it's the 30th today which means we have emailed one of you lucky kippers informing you of your wonderful prize! To enter the upcoming giveaway (which will be on the 29th) all you have to do is follow this blog, leave a comment or become a fan on Facebook.

I'm still not sick of Screamin' Jay Hawkin's Put a Spell On You and I've found some other interesting versions of the song --

Bette Midler from the film Hocus Pocus (which was a childhood favourite I had completely forgotten about haha):

The Kills - I actually quite like this: 

Natacha Atlas (is a Belgian singer known for her fusion of Arabic and Western electronic music, particularly hip-hop):  

One Man Band - This is excellent hahahaha: 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bear Jewelz

Sorry we haven't posted in a little while, no excuses really.
Our next giveaway is on Monday 30th so you have a few days left to enter! If you haven't already, just join our mailing list and comment on our Facebook page or blog for extra entries.

If you have ever been tempted, here are 5 reasons not to pleasure a bear. I wish I had read this sooner; oh well, I think scars are kinda sexy.